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fossil reefの例文


  • A diverse fossil reef in a Clifton Forge cemetery.
  • Early in the ensuing 20th century a Silurian age fossil reef system was discovered in the state.
  • The fossil reef is very well preserved and is cut by several modern canyons, including Geikie Gorge and Windjana Gorge.
  • It is now thought that fossil reefs are usually broken up by glacial effects can cause changes in sea level.
  • The Canning Basin is home to a Devonian fossil reef complex that stretches 350 km across the northern edge of the basin.
  • Portions of the exposed reef on several islands in Lake Champlain were dedicated as the Chazy Fossil Reef National Natural Landmark in 2009.
  • "' Carlsbad Caverns National Park "'is a US National Park established to preserve Carlsbad Cavern and numerous other caves within a Permian-age fossil reef.
  • An international team of geologists and anthropologists unearthed a trove of stone tools from the fossil reef along the Red Sea coast of Eritrea.
  • The island contains part of an exposed Ordovician fossil reef, and was dedicated as part of the Chazy Fossil Reef National Natural Landmark in 2009.
  • In 1850 Hall participated in a geological survey of northern Michigan and Wisconsin, where he identified the first fossil reefs ever found in North America.
  • The island contains part of an exposed Ordovician fossil reef, and was dedicated as part of the Chazy Fossil Reef National Natural Landmark in 2009.
  • His paleontological research involves fossil reefs, the Ediacara biota in Russia, Australia, Newfoundland, and California, extinction dynamics in open-ocean ecosystems, and the paleontology of the Gal醦agos Islands and sites in California.
  • A report in the current issue of the journal Nature describes the scientists'discovery of two-sided stone hand axes and flaked obsidian blades in the same fossil reef terrace as the fossil remains of shelled bivalves and crabs.
  • Scientists have discovered the earliest well-dated example of an oyster bar _ a fossil reef on Africa's Red Sea coast where ancestral humans must have waded out to collect oysters, clams, scallops and crabs some 125, 000 years ago.